The Best You: Prioritizing Real Career Success in PreSales


March 21, 2025 9:00 AM



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For many of us in PreSales, success can seem like a moving target. High pay, exciting teamwork, financial security, cutting-edge projects, or the impact you make – which one defines your "best you"?ž

In this talk, Roman Mezhibovski will share how PreSales professionals can develop a more principled approach to thinking about major career decisions, drawn from his journey through both small and large PreSales organizations.

Discover how to weigh the trade-offs between compensation, work satisfaction, and organizational size. Explore how the path to your 'best' sometimes means walking away from lucrative situations to chase work that truly excites you.

Topics Covered:- The Five Faces of PreSales Success: Understand the core factors that influence career satisfaction in PreSales.- Small Company, Big Impact? When smaller organizations can deliver greater fulfillment.- Beyond the Paycheck: Decoding what truly motivates you and how that aligns with your career choices.- Taking the Leap: Real-world examples of when to prioritize excitement over financial benefits.


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Roman Mazhibovski
Senior Sales Engineer, Media and Entertainment at Google