Navigating the Future: In-Depth Insights from the 2024 State of PreSales Report

Jarod Greene Avatar photo

For the past few months, we’ve been in the kitchen cooking up something special with the State of PreSales report. Our goal? To provide PreSales leaders with an even more comprehensive analysis of the challenges they’ve faced over the last 12 months and to shine a spotlight on strategic opportunities that will undeniably shape the future.

Our mission extends beyond merely reporting; we want to illuminate how PreSales teams are not just adapting but thriving amidst the changing dynamics of the industry. Moreover, we’re here to guide them through their planning process, preparing them to boldly tackle the challenges and opportunities that 2024 holds.

Throughout this journey, we engaged in conversations with hundreds of PreSales leaders, each contributing their unique insights that shaped and guided this report. Our aim was to explore uncharted territories, delving into areas that other State of Reports have yet to venture into. The result? A compilation of “next practices” designed to spark new thinking and propel the PreSales landscape forward. These insights didn’t just inform us; they led to the development of new products and strategies that redefine the go-to-market approach.

My main takeaway from this exploration is clear: PreSales do so much more than demo. When empowered to do their best work, these teams perform incredible feats for their organizations. Unlocked potential allows PreSales teams to add substantial value by shouldering a broader range of responsibilities. The best teams excel at fostering collaboration and establishing a robust connection between their efforts and tangible business outcomes.

In its debut edition, the “2024 State of PreSales” report from Vivun isn’t just a report; it’s a roadmap. A roadmap for PreSales leaders to transcend conventional barriers and create not just business value but substantial business value. By leveraging the rich insights presented in this report, PreSales teams can lay the groundwork for progress in 2024 and beyond. 

To fully immerse yourself in this invaluable resource and stay ahead in the ever-evolving PreSales landscape, visit [Vivun’s State of PreSales page](

We sincerely hope you relish consuming this report as much as we relished delivering it. After all, it’s not just a report; it’s a journey into the future of PreSales.

Jarod Greene Avatar photo January 23, 2024